
SS Captain Cook brought immigrants to New Zealand 1952 to 1960

July 23, 2011


I was looking for additional information about a family member and his wife who emigrated to Wellington, NZ back in 1955 and found information on an English website called 1837online.com.

I am from the UK but naturalized citizen in US now for a few years but have been tracing back the family ancestry and had little to go on but have found a lot of info on the above website. You pay of course but not so much as to break the bank and it is a pretty comprehensive website. Certificates of birth, marriage and deaths can also be obtained from the GRO website there too for an additional cost.

My family travelled on the SS Captain Cook in January 1955 from Govan, Scotland on an assisted passage ticken and personally I can't imagine a more difficult crossing at that time of the year. However, I also found out from
some of the websites that the passengers, regardless of marital status were split up into berths of men only and women only! What an adventure it must have seemed to them getting away from GB after the war and starting off in a new country!

Hope the above info might be of use to you.

Best wishes,


This photo may bring back some memories for you.

Lounge on the Captain Cook immigrant ship The corridor lounge on the port side of the Captain Cook.

The Captain Cook brought assisted immigrants to New Zealand via the Panama Canal from 1952 to 1960.

Best regards,

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