From Russia: 3D computer drawings dedicated to the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905 Dear sir, I ve managed to create series of 3D computer drawings dedicated to the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. This covers maritime warfare and contains all Russian warships participated in the War. In total 95 warships. Taking in consideration that soon it will be 100 years anniversary of the War, I tried here in Russia to find a way to create a movie picture as a commemoration of that War and finally failed. First - we do not have in Russia any animated pictures studio. Second, the war was victorious for Japan and one of the most significant in the World sea battles - a Tsushima one put an end to any Russian hopes to win, - to recall the memory of the War is absolutely not popular with us. I do not think so. I think that to create such a film is the best way to commemorate the victims of that war from both sides. Besides of it it seem to me that such a venture will have a commercial success. I propose you to use the mine newly created material. All drawings are completed in AutoCAD. All are available upon the request. Unfortunately I don t know whom to contact. Applied is a rendered image of a Russian battleship Slava 3 her sisterships perished with all hands and one was captured by the Japanese. The model copy is based upon authentic building drawings.
My details: Address: Abonent case 67, Vidnoye town, Moscow region, 142701, Russian Federation. Sincerely yours, ***** The battle he mentions is Tushima where the Russian Fleet was decimated by the Japanese, we made brief mention of it in the piece about the Russian cruiser Aurora, that no doubt had made him send us this info. ***** Dear Sir, Sorry for bothering you once more, but I am not sure that you ve got my previous e-mail. Still I hope that you will enjoy the attached drawings. I ve managed to create series of 3D computer drawings dedicated to the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. This covers maritime warfare and contains all Russian warships participated in the War. In total 95 warships. Taking in consideration that soon it will be 100 years anniversary of the War, I tried here in Russia to find a way to create a movie picture as a commemoration of that War and finally failed. First - we do not have in Russia any animated pictures studio. Second, the war was victorious for Japan and one of the most significant in the World sea battles - a Tsushima one put an end to any Russian hopes to win, - to recall the memory of the War is absolutely not popular with us. I do not think so. I think that to create such a film is the best way to commemorate the victims of that war from both sides. Besides of it it seem to me that such a venture will have a commercial success. I propose you to use the mine newly created material. All drawings are completed in AutoCAD. All are available upon the request. Attached is a rendered image of a Russian battleship Retvizan . She was in the 1 Pacific Squadron, damaged in the night destroyer attack and under repairs for 4 month. Never the less the ship took part in all fleet operations and finally was sunk in the Port Arthur harbor by Japanese siege artillery. Later she was raised and repaired and entered the Japanese Fleet. Unfortunately the convenient for e-mailing size of the letter dose not permit me to send you more detailed copy. The model copy is based upon authentic building drawings.
Sincerely yours, 15.10.2003
Thank you for taking the time and trouble to send me your E-Mails and all the attachments, I am most interested. I have been aware of the famous battle of Tsushuma, and can well appreciate that this battle is not well thought of in Russia. It was really quite amazing that your cruiser Aurora made the long voyage across to the Pacific, took part in that fight, survived to return home, but then to still be around today, moored in St Petersburg close to the Hermitage. This ship is indeed a legend. I have long thought of writing about Tsushima, and will try to soon do so, all your information is a great help, and thank you once more. I will always be pleased to hear from you. Kindest regards from Australia.
I d like to ask you to be my dealer. Please inform me what do you think about it? Sincerely yours,
I would of course be interested to see your information about the Russo-Japanese war, but I am not sure there is a market for selling copies in Australia, perhaps you should offer CD's for sale on E Bay. That site s where a lot of material is sold world wide. Regards, Mac.