
Royal Naval Reservist on the Rawalpindi

October 02, 2009

Subject: Rawalpindi


My Aunty’s Uncle was a Royal Naval Reservist on the Rawalpindi. He survived the attack on the vessel and was sent to a PoW camp. We always thought he was in a camp in Germany but we now think he was actually in Stalag XXb in Poland.

Do you have any information you could pass on to us or help  on where else I can look for information? We cannot understand how he got there - and looking at the list it seems that he was the only Naval PoW there! I realise that this probably isn’t the case but it does look odd when you read down the list and all but him are in the Army!

My Aunty (not a real one, but a family friend) feels that she is too old at 80 to become computer literate so I do her searches for her. I must say that I have enjoyed your site more than most.  It is lovely to read through.

Thanking you in advance for any help and information you can pass on.

Best Regards

Norfolk, England


Thank you for your very kind remarks about AHOY, a joint effort between my web master Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia, and myself. I could no do without him and his expertise in putting up on our site my scribblings.

The two types of POW camps usually associated with Navy and Merchant Navy POW's were:

  • Marlag or Marine-Lager (marine camp) – These were Navy personnel POW camps.
  • Milag or Marine-Internierten-Lager (marine internment camp) – These were merchant seamen internment camps.

Here is some detail:

World War Two German Prisoner of War Camps (from HistoryOnTheNet.com)


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