
Robert Menzies quote?

April 17, 2010

Robert Menzies

Dear Sir

I am doing a school assignment. Could you kindly point me to the occasion when Mr Robert Menzies quoted the

"The long-established and noble rule of Law, one of
the greatest products of the character and tradition
of British history, has suffered a deadly blow.
Blackmail has become respectable".

Thank you and hope to hear from you.

best regards


Although I got to know Robert Menzies well over the 2.5years I was Aide-de-Camp to the Governor General, and I
have several of his books, I have not been able to track down the quote and when it was used.

I have asked our National Library in Canberra our National Capital if they can assist, and will get back to you when
thy respond.


April 19, 2010
Dear Mac

I informed some of my classmates about your email. We are excited to be in contact with someone so closely linked to Mr Robert Menzies.

There are 70 of us in first year law programme.

We look forward to hear from you.

Best regards



Here is the response from our National Library:

The Sydney Morning Herald is a broadsheet published daily
in Sydney.

McKenzie J Gregory with Robert Menzies 1951
Me with Robert Menzies 1951.

Dear Mr Mackenzie Gregory

Thank you for contacting the National Library of Australia.

I checked the Sydney Morning Herald archives and in an article titled "Menzies goes to bat for South Africa", SMH Oct 29, 1970, p. 4 it mentions: "London, Wednesday, - Blackmail has become respectable in Britain and the rule of law has suffered a death blow since the Labour Government gave in to threats of violence and cancelled this year's South African cricket tour, according to Australia's former Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies. Sir Robert, a cricket-lover with a widely respected knowledge of the game and its politics, thundered his dislike of anti-apartheid demonstrators in the "Cricketer's Winter Annual" published today..."

I hope this information is of assistance.


Judith Burfoot

Reference Librarian
Information Services
National Library of Australia

Best regards.


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