
Recreating the Doolittle Raid in in Microsoft Combat Flight Simulators

Dear Mr.: Mac Gregory,
First I would like to thank you for taking the time to put together all the information on your web site.
I'm somewhat of a historical buff and I have done a considerable amount of research concerning the Pacific Theatre. I, like so many had family that fought so courageously for the freedom of this country.
To the point, I build campaigns, missions, ships, aircraft and scenery files used in Microsoft Combat Flight Simulators as a hobby I'm recreating the Doolittle Raid. It will take several hundred hours to create. Then it will be posted as freeware at www.simviation.com.
With your permission I would like to use the pictures and the historical information that you have put together on your web site. If this is not possible, then I would like to use your web site as a reference with the freeware with your permission. I do not take credit for work that other people have done and I always use their information or web site with their permission only.
The mission will be as historically correct as possible. There will have to be B-25 Bombers created and new aircraft carriers as well as scenery files. This will be a major project and will involve 5 people to create the mission as accurately as possible.
Larry Alexander


I am quite happy for you to use whatever you need from the Doolittle Raid on my Ahoy site. It is a combination of work by my friend and Web Master Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia, he copes with all my research and writing to weave that into what you find when you log  on to our site.

All we ask is a suitable acknowledgement when appropriate, and I would be grateful to see the end result of your labors in due course.

Good luck with your proposed project.

Mac. Gregory.

Thank you , I will give you appropriate acknowledgment for your work. I will keep you up dated on the progress of the work. It will be time consuming but worth while.

Thanks again,
Larry Alexander

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