
Recording of Count von Luckner's voice?

Dear Mac,

I also have been an admirer of the late Count von Luckner for many years. One thing that I've tried to find, but to no avail, is a recording of his voice. From the description in Lowell Thomas' book, it was a  booming voice, and I'm curious to hear what it sounded like. I know that he had  a radio show in New York City (in the 1930's?), and appeared on an episode of This Is Your Life. Unfortunately, I cannot locate a sound clip from either of  these.

Have  you ever heard the count's voice? Can you direct me to a source  where I could hear it?


Steve Raab


No I have never heard a recording of the Count's voice.

At this URL:  http://luckner-society.com/ you will find the von Luckner Society's Home page at Halle in Germany.

Scroll down and you will see the President's name and go a bit further the ability to E-Mail the Society. I suggest you ask the President Matthias, if he can help with the availability of any recording of the Count's voice. Good luck.

Mac. Gregory

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