
Rear Admiral Gerald Muirhead-Gould

(See "Japanese Midget Submarines Attack Sydney Harbour on the night of May31/June 1, 1942" and "Rear Admiral Muirhead-Gould and the Japanese Midget attack on Sydney Harbour")


My name is Sara Muirhead-Gould and I recently came across something you wrote on the Internet about Rear Admiral Gerald Muirhead-Gould. He was actually my grandfather, but unfortunately I never got to meet him. His oldest son, James, was my dad, who recently passed away as well. I am a senior in college right now, at The Ohio State University, and I am extremely interested in my family history. Because of my dad's recent depature, and most of his relatives also being deceased, it is hard for me to find out any information. I am not completely sure if you are the right person to contact, but if I am correct you were in battle with my grandfather. If you would be willing to answer a few questions for me, I would appreciate it very much.

Thank you so much for your time,
Sara Muirhead-Gould

Hello Sarah,

Nice to hear from you.

I would be pleased to help in any way I can about your late Grandfather Rear Admiral Muirhead-Gould.

The night that the Japanese Midgets attacked Sydney Harbour over the 31st. of May/1st. of June in 1942, I was in the heavy 8 inch cruiser HMAS Canberra secured to No. 1 Buoy in Farm Cove in the harbour.

Although I was a lowly Sub Lieutenant at the time I must admit I have been critical at the way the defences were handled at the time.

The third Japanese Midget under the command of Sub Lieutenant Ban escaped from the harbour never to again be seen, only a few ago, a new documentary about this attack was shown over the History Channel, I have yet to see it, but I understand that a claim is being made that the wreck of Ban's Midget may have been found during the making of this film.

So Sarah, please fire away with your questions when you are ready, and I will try to respond accurately.

Best regards,

Mackenzie ( Mac for short ) Gregory.

Hi Mac!!!

Thank you so much for all the information you are sending me!! Everything I open puts a big smile on my face. I forwarded the emails to my mom and brother, who also appreciate the information. I am currently studying for my final exams, so I do not have too much free time, but I will write a long email soon!

Thank again!! I am EXTREMELY appreciative for everything you have given me!

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