
RANC '93


I was extremely interested reading your account of your time at RANC - I graduated in 1993 in what was a very different era!  The College is still the same and in many ways different.  It was some of the best times of my life and I know I will always look back fondly on my time there.

Thankyou for sharing your experiences - they were both moving and interesting.

Warm regards,
Adrian Johnson
RANC '93


Thank you for taking the time to write about the RANC, I happened to join and be part of momentous times, especially all of the 1936 Jervis Year being bundled off to sea in August 39 as war was coming. (See the picture)

I have always been proud to be part of that year, many of whom distingushed themselves in the RAN both in war and peace.

It is still I believe quite remarkable that eight of the 12 who went off in 1939 are still around in 2003.

I am sure our traditions were still your traditions when you graduated in 1993.

Many of the lessons about life I learned at the College have stood me in good stead through my long, happy, and eventful life, and I would hope that there is still a lot more time to be savoured.

Salutations from one of the 36 Jervis Year.

Mac. Gregory.

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