
Queen Mary 2 namesake?

Do you happen to know who the Queen Mary 2 was named after? was it a historical figure? an English queen?

Thank you.


Queen Mary 2, is the second Cunard Liner to carry that name.

In 1934, Queen Mary, wife of King George V, and Grandmother of our present Queen, named ( after herself ) and launched the original liner Queen Mary. In so doing she became the first monarch to ever launch a Merchant ship. Queen Elizabeth carried on this tradition by naming and launching the Cunard liner Queen Elizabeth 2 in 1967.

Of course on the 8th. of January 2004 in France she named Queen Mary 2, the second ship to carry the name.

QM 2, is the longest, widest, tallest, largest, and at $780 Million, the most expensive passenger liner ever built.

In a second E-Mail, I will send you a page of Cigarette cards, depicting the original Queen Mary, they were originally printed in 1936, but this set was reproduced again in more recent times.

I hope this helps with your question.

Best wishes,

Mac. Gregory.

Mac.Gregory - wonderful man. Thank you so much. Extremely helpful. Ruth

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