
President Harry Truman's Decision to Drop Atomic Bombs on Japan

President Harry Truman's Decision to Drop Atomic Bombs on Japan.
A correspondent from the United States asked me about a film on Hiroshima he had seen some time ago, in it, it depicted Harry Truman after receiving the report on the sinking of USS Indianapolis and the huge crew loss. He ponders " How will I break this news to the people of the United States? " The inference is then made that in retribution, the President, on the spot, decides to drop the Atomic Bombs on Japan.
My correspondent then asks if I can prove or disprove that fact.
Unfotunately I have lost this E-Mail before I could respond.
I am certain this report in the film was just a Director's interptetation of the facts, and a wrong one at that, below is a letter from President Harry Truman refuting such a claim, his decision to drop the bombs was not a snap decision, as he clearly sets out here.
My reiterated response to the original question is No, No, No.

President Harry S. Truman's letter to Mr. Bohnen's objection to the film because it made the decision to drop the bomb look like a snap judgment, December 12, 1946.

President Harry S. Truman's letter to Mr. Bohnen's objection to the film because it made the decision to drop the bomb look like a snap judgment, December 12, 1946

President Harry S. Page 2 Truman's letter to Mr. Bohnen's objection to the film because it made the decision to drop the bomb look like a snap judgment, December 12, 1946


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