Hi Mackenzie,
I just visited your site for the first time tonight and have book marked it for further investigation when I have more time as it looks extremely interesting. I was very interested in your pictures of the First Fleet ships and was wondering in your research whether you have ever come across a picture of the "Globe". This was the convict ship my ancestor was transported on in 1819. I have been trying to find a picture of this ship for quite some time but have not found one anywhere.
Pauline Gibson
Hello Pauline,
Thank you for your message, I am pleased you found something of interest on Ahoy.
I not been able to find a picture of the Globe, but perhaps that is not too suprising, when she arrived in Australia in 1819, she carried only 6 convicts from Ireland. I have enclosed as an attachment that list, and guess your ancestor is one of those. Should I subsequently turn up a picture of the Globe, I assure you Pauline that I will pass it on to you.
Mackenzie. Gregory.
Hello again Mackenzie, thank you for replying.
Actually the Globe carried 140 male convicts 1 of which died en route. I think the six you found were the Irish amongst that number. My relative was from Yorkshire, Charles Brooks. The Globe left Portsmouth on the 21.8.1918 and arrived in January 1819.
Just the same the site attached to your email seems quite interesting and needs more investigation. I belong the Blue Mountains Family History Society and I am always on the lookout for sites which might interest other members in my group. We are hosting a State Conference in September and as there are many people who are not very good at navigating their way around the Internet we are putting together a floppy or CD for the Conference with interesting websites for people to visit and yours and Peter Mayberrys will be added.
Thank you once again.
Regards Pauline.
Thank you for your response, I obviously jumped to an unwarranted conclusion, my apologies.
I am sure you will have seen the entry for Charles Brooks in the Colonial Secretary's Index 1788-1825.
At the risk of giving you something of which you are already aware, Here is the entry:
BROOKS, Charles. Per "Globe", 1819
1821 Sep 8
Employed at Grose Farm. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.107)
Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3213; 4/1864 p.41)
1824 Apr 10
On list of prisoners on establishment at Bathurst with sentences not transmitted (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.102)
1824 Sep 27
Reputed runaway. On return of fines & punishments in the Police Office (Reel 6023; 4/6671 p.92)
1824 Oct 28
On list of convicts transported to Port Macquarie per "Sally" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.494-5)
On the Convicts to Australia- Some Tales site at:
Under Globe arrived NSW 8/1/1819 is: Richard Scadden Contact Dr Greg Ash
Perhaps you are aware of Greg, but it appears he has some interest in the Globe.
For what it is worth, his E-Mail address is: gregash@0zemail.com.au
Pauline all of the above may be absolutely useless for you, but my experience in chasing up information, is to run down as many rabbit holes as you turn up. Sometimes you strike gold. If this is all junk for you, a quick click will soon delete it all.
My regards,
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