
Picture of Canberra in the map of Australia

July 13, 2009
Good morning Mac

I hope that you are feeling better I read in the June '09 edition of Shropshire Times that you had not been well

Mac it has been remiss of me to not have sent you the picture of Canberra in the map of Australia and I have to
admit that I do not access a lot of my emails at home as most are addressed to my wife as she runs her own business
However on trawling back to see if I could chase up my dads' war record I found your email with a request to send
the photo

I had given a copy to Roy Stephens some time ago  having left it at the Glen Waverley RSL for collection by Ron
Strachan ( I believe Roy has received it)

Nevertheless Mac I am sending two emails to make sure that the photograph gets to you I am hoping that you can open it

Canberra in the map of Australia

My best regards Mac

Richard Miller


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