Photos about the Memorial Service for Dasher Dear Mac, My name is Bob Carter and my wife, Pamela, and I are friends of Isobel Mackay. I run an application called Pluck which does an automatic search everyday for webpages containing the words "HMS Dasher" and pass the information I find to Isobel - it is suprising what has been turned up over the weeks. When I found your website Isobal commented on how someone in Australia had an interest in the Dasher. I will enclose some pictures as requested I have quite a few but not knowing if you had broadband I did not want to overload your system by sending too much - let me know and I can send more if needed. Let me know what you want and I may even be able to send you a thumbnailsheet of all - for you to select. Best regards --bob-- I also have to yet send a newspaper cutting reporting this event, sent by Bob Carter to whom I am grateful for sending me these photographs. We should acknowledge their source: Taken by Corporal Will Craig, Media Operation, HQBFC Cyprus. Crown Copyright. Isobel holding flowers prior to casting them into the sea.
Isobel's son Douglas with his Mother
Major Hamish Denham from the Cyprus Military Working Dog Support Unit, plays his bagpipes
Isobel holds a photo of her Father, Jack Melville
Douglas, Isobel's son/ Lieutenat Danny Boswell/Isobel with a Dasher ship's crest and Cap Tally
A report of the Memorial Service in the Evening News, a newspaper in England Dear Bob, My thanks for your trouble in sending me photos about the Memorial Service for Dasher and Isobel's Father. They will add to our piece about the ship and the deception played upon Germany during WW2, and the story of " The Man who never was." It is a fascinating tale, and the way it was hushed up by the UK authorities was dreadful, it deserves a wide circulation, and I was pleased to be able to help do that, if but in a small way. I do have broadband, and a sheet of thumbnail photos would be appreciated as convenient, thank you. Please pass on to Isobel my very best wishes, and tell her we are very interested down under particularly now the truth is finally revealed. Again Bob, I am grateful for all your interest and time. Regards, Mac.