
Photo of the Athenia

June 29, 2010


I have a postcard of the Athenia. I am not that brilliant with photography, but I am happy to send you a scan or email pic if it will help your research.

As soon as I have figured out what reserve to put on it I will be listing within the next 10 days on Ebay

Was posted from liverpool in 1926. Apart from some corner creases, it is quite a clear photo.

Regards Margaret


Thank you for that, I would welcome a copy of your Athenia postcard and we will put it up on our Athenia Pages on AHOY.

Best wishes,

These are the two I already have taken. I will take some more in daylight tomorow, and will get my husband to
send you them scanned off his computer as mine is not set up with printer.

I am sure I have some paper clippings somewhere. They will probably take a while longer to locate.

Let me know if they come through o.k. so that I can adjust the ones tomorow.

Cheers Margaret


Your two illustrations both came through well thanks, don't bother with doing them again as they are fine.

I am grateful fr your kindness.

Best regards,

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