
Percy Lynch, shipmate on HMAS Australia and HMAS Adelaide?

G'day Mac,

I just realised that you were a shipmate of my Grandfather, on both the HMAS Australia and HMAS Adelaide. Do you recall him at all? If so, I would like to talk to you about him. As you may have guessed, I am currently researching his career. I have read your logs, and they provide a fascinating insight into his time on the ships. To complement this, I was hoping for some personal input more specific to Percy. Hope to hear from you soon.
Stephen Lynch

Hello Stephen,

My thanks for your E-Mail, I cannot be specific about your Grandfather, what was his rating in the RAN?

In Australia where I served from September 1939 to about March of 1941, I was a lowly Midshipman, and left the Ship in Colombo, being promoted to an Acting Sub Lieutenant, the ship went home to OZ, and I returned to UK for my Sub Lieutenant's courses.

In Adelaide, I joined her as a Sub Lieutenant, and on July 1 1943 was promoted to Lieutenant, and eventually left her to join the Shropshire.

Vet Affairs have published a million names of all who served in the services in WW2, and you may produce a Certificate of Service for individuals, I will see if I can get Percy's one up for you, if so, I will send you a copy.

Looking forward to hearing from you again.

Dear Stephen,
I see your Grandfather was a Chief Stoker, and he won a BEM during the war. As I was an Executive Officer I had little to do with Engine Room personnel.
No doubt I would have have seen your Grandather at some time when I was the Officer of the Watch in harbour, and he was going ashore. But no, I did not have any direct contact with him.

I hope this Certificate is helpful, if you were unaware of its existence.

Best wishes,

Thanks Mac.

I very much enjoy your website and mail. It greatly assists me trying to imagine what it must have been like for my Grandfather (and how COLD it must have been!). As I work my way through his career on the ADELAIDE, would it be O.K if I wrote to you again as more questions become apparent?

Thanks again.



By all means, just fire away when you are ready.

I am pleased to help if I can round out any thing both your Grandfather and myself were involved in with the Australia and the Adelaide.



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