
Patrick Dunn survivor of Port Brisbane 1940

August 30, 2009 10:49 PM

Subject: patrick dunn d.o.b. 22/01/1920 survivor of port brisbane 1940

Hello Mac,

Hope you can help. I am trying to find out where my father was taken to when rescued by HMAS Canberra on November 22nd 1940, when his ship Port Brisbane was sunk by German Raider Pinguin in the Indian Ocean. I
would be very grateful for any information you can find.

Yours sincerely,
R Dunn


After picking up the Port Brisbane survivors, Farncomb in Canberra serached for the Raider for two days, then went off to Fremantle, an importnat convoy had been held there because of the knowledge that Pinguin
was on the prowl in the Indian Ocean.

Best regards,

September 02, 2009
Hi Mac,

Many thanks for your prompt reply.

I was wondering if you have any further information with regard to the survivors that were taken to Freemantle?What ship took the survivors home from Freemantle?

Where did the survivors go after Freemantle?

Do you know where I can find any further information regarding the survivors? For example, national archives in
Australlia, or local newspaper records?

I would be grateful for any information that you have on this subject.

Kind regards,


I cannot find any details of the Port Brisbane survivors after their return to Fremantle by HMAS Canberra.


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