Owen McGorrin went down with the Lancastria 17th June 1940 see "Loss of HMT Lancastria at St Nazaire" Hi Mac,
My Grandfather OWEN MCGORRIN, our grandfather was unfortunate to go down with the Lancastria 17th June 1940. My siblings and I never knew him,and really had no knowledge of what had happened. I have just come upon this website and to my delight I see my grandfathers name. I can't understand why the worst disaster in Britian's history was kept so quiet.A lot of hard work has gone into this story, and for myself I am a very happy grandaughter knowing what really happened to my grandfather I had never seen.
Thank you for taking the time to write, I am delighted we were able to help with some knowledge of your Grandfather OWEN. Sorry he did not survive. Ahoy is a joint effort, I do the research and writing, whilst my good friend and Web Master, Terry Kearns, in Atlanta Georgia puts all of that into our site that shows its face to the world, for anyone who happens upon it. We are always pleased when we can connect some one to a friend, and better still if we are able to throw some light onto an event where a relative has been involved. The Lancastria Affair, was not well handled in terms of an accurate count and recording of those who flooded onboard. I guess its easy to be critical in hindsight, but in the urgency to get people on board, those in charge, probably considered numbers were more important than the names of those who had been taken into the ship. Lovely to hear from you. At this URL: http://www.ahoy.tk-jk.net/Letters/WecommemoratedonJune17200.html Kindest regards from Ausralia. Mac. Gregory. back to letters index |