
New book: HMAS Bataan 1952 featuring the period when Warwick Bracegirgle was commanding officer

February 17, 2010

Subject: Bataan & Braces

Dear Mac,

I've contacted you previously about my articles concerning Braces on both Perth & Bataan, & have sought to be put in contact with Nicholas Bracegirdle, as I had been sure that he would welcome this memorialisation of his father. So far I have had no response.

My book on Bataan in Korea, entitled 'HMAS Bataan 1952' is coming out in the next couple of months, published by
UNSW Press. I had hoped there might be some interest in this amongst your web community, as it deals solely with
Bataan's period under Braces' command.

Is anyone interested in any of this?

Anthony Cooper


At the time I did pass on your message to Nicholas in the UK and asked him to contact you directly, but I have not
heard from him for some time.If you let me know when your book is actually available I will ensure a note about goes up on AHOY.

A brief summary of its content would be helpful to complement this notation.


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