
Naval illustrator looking for data on 5 Australian cruisers

February 01, 2009

Dear Mac:

This is a fantastic website.

I'm a naval illustrator (hobby) and have done a lot of work on the web. Here are some links to my work that may interest you. (scroll down until you find the artwork)



In continuing my work, I contact authorities like yourself to improve it. So in a cultural quid pro quo, I get info to create better art which I then give to the webmaster for his website if he so wishes.

I'm looking for data on 5 Australian cruisers. Perhaps you can help and I can then give you this embellished art for your website; like plans, armaments details and even aircraft colours and markings.

Let me know if that works for you.

Erci León 


Thank you for your kind comments about AHOY.

I will be pleased to help with the 5 Australian cruisers if I am able.

Please name the ones you are seeking information about.

You of course already have my Canberra story on your web site.

Best wishes,


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