Naval Historical Society of Australia Hello Mac My name is Ted Bell and I look after the web site for the Naval Historical Society. I was talking to Rex Williams tonight and that has spurred me to write and introduce myself. My congratulations on your site - the depth and breadth of material that you have built up over time is outstanding. I'm also impressed by the consistent updates and requests of/for research queries and replies - a sure sign of a living-breathing web site. I think I saw your site well before I realised your involvement with the Historical Society. Ironically, it wasn't until tonight that I also saw the note regarding support from Terry Kearns. At an early stage when I was evaluating software, I looked long and hard at CityDesk. Terry, as you know, is very active in that user community and I visited his site often. Mac, I'm pleased to have made some initial contact with you. I hope that there might be occasions when we can work together and/or exchange advice. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything that I can do to assist you or Terry in any way whatsoever. Kind regards
Thank you or your kind words, Terry acts as my web master over in Atlanta Georgia. I do the research and writing for AHOY, but without Terry's expertise, I guess our site would not exist. We do get a number of requests for both help to find something or some one, and also hear from people who can add another piece to the jigsaw of a particular article I may have done. We enjoy both the challenge and the contact with people around the world. Perhaps we might exchange links as a start. Best regards, and please keep in touch now and then. Mac. Gregory. back to letters index |