Models of HMS Suffolk the and HMAS Australia (see "Model of HMAS Canberra from Russia available in Melbourne") Mac, I came across your interesting site when looking for info and plans of the Krait. I note you made a model of that famous vessel. Could you advise if plans are available. My old mate who is an excellent scratch modeller could probably do a reasonable job from photographs but if I could get hold of some plans or detailed photographs I know he would be very pleased. Now on to the Canberra. That 1/700 scale kit will be quite small to detail. I have two models of county class cruisers at 1/600 scale. One is HMS Suffolk the other is the same kit which I and the aforementioned old mate( who was at Tobruk) made into HMAS Australia. We took out the hanger and built a searchlight platform and placed a gun director then placed a catapult in the gap for the Walrus. We worked from photographs and at this scale it does not look too bad, but Regards,
Thank you for your message, but I have not modelled Krait, it is Lindsay Watt at Ballina who did that, and sent me a photo of his work. I suggest you contact him at: leroy10_au@yahoo.com and indicate I suggested you talk to him about any plans for Krait. I agree a I to 700 model of Canberra will indeed be small, but I have someone far more expert than me putting it all together. Thank you for the offer of photographs, yes please I would like to see them. Regards,