
Memorial somewhere in the area to commemorate the settlement of 1826 at Corinella?

October 18, 2009


i am wondering if there is a memorial somewhere in the area to commemorate the settlement of 1826 as my ancestor was one of the soilders in the party and i would like to visit it in the future.

with thanks
Leanne Berry


Of course the location of that 1826 settlement was Corinella at Western Port.

From: http://www.visitcorinella.com/topic/index.html

Corinella An Historic Victorian Town

Corinella is a very Important historic township.

Corinella is one of the first towns settled in the state of Victoria.
The first Goverment House in Victoria was built here in Corinella.
The first military / Government road in Victoria was here in Corinella.

Corinella's historic significance to Australia's settled history is very important and is not widely recognised or advertised, most historical talk of Australia's settlement birth is always  focused on Sydney and NSW,  however Corinella was actually the site of the first Government House in Victoria and was a town at federation.

Corinella is documented to have been first explored in 1798 by George Bass and was later
founded in 1826 and originally was first named Settlement Point.

The name Corinella was later taken after the soldiers during 1826 noticed the
aboriginal natives calling the area around the settlement 'Corinella'  apparently in reference to the large mobs of kangaroos found in the settlement point area.

A small stone and convict brick cairn at the end of Jamieson Street commemorates this first settlement established in Corinella from 12 December 1826 by a troop of soldiers along with convicts under the command of Captain Samuel Wright.

A later expedition to the settlement was led by Paul Edmund de Strzelecki in 1840, a memorial at the caravan park camping area commemorates the arrival of this expedition party to the Settlement on 2nd of May 1840.

Hope this helps.


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