
Meeting Captain F.A.J. Downer in 1968

Dear sir

I was deeply interested and a trifle motionned when, surfing on the web tonight, I read your interview of Captain FAJ Downer;

I had a great chance in April 1968 when we were invited with a few other pupils aboard HMS SS Nevasa; I was coming from Versailles school in France and discovered Ceuta Alicante Gibraltar Lisboa ... what a wonderful memory !

I was so greetfull to my British hosts that I wrote to Captain Downer a thanking letter; one among more than a thousand pupils I thougt no answer would ever come; but since I got the answer a few days later, I still remember the kind  formula at the end ,something like: " I will not fogert such fine young ambassadors of France"

Please , if possible , do transmit to C. Downer my best regards , respecfully.

Bertrand Robichez
Surgeon near Paris


Forgive my lack of response to your interestig mail, but I am just home in Melbourne Australia after a visit to Europe.

What a nice story you tell, and I will pass on your message to Captain Downer's son.

With my best wishes and regards.
Mackenzie Gregory.

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