Manifest for the passengers that boarded the S.S. Athenia in 1939? See "Family of seven, only three survive sinking of Athenia" Greeting Mackenize, Would you know if there is a list or manifest for the passengers that boarded the S.S. Athenia in 1939? The manifest would be a good source of information. Ruth Kasianiuk
Although I have a number of lists of survivors from Athenia depending on where they were landed, I do not have a full manifest of all who boarded her. See this report of records in UK: Outward Bound Passenger Lists 1890-1960 are held in BT27 an gives information on passenger lists of people leaving the United Kingdom by sea kept by the Board of Trade's Commercial and Statistical Department and its successors. There is also BT32 covering 1906-1951 Registers of passenger lists kept by the Board of Trade's Commercial, Labour and Statistical Department and its successors. Please note the PRO will not search their files for you, if you are unable to attend in person, they will give the names of independent researchers who will do it for an hourly fee (very expensive).
See this URL: http://www.mikekemble.com/ww2/athenia.html for an interesting site about Athenia. Regards, |