
List of survivors from HMS Curacoa after she was run down by Queen Mary in October 1942?

Dear Sir

You seem to have a huge amount of information at your disposal regarding this infamous disaster.I would be most grateful if you could tell me if there exists anywhere a complete list of the survivors of the tragedy.I have a copy of QUEEN MARY AND THE CRUISER which seems only to list those who perished in the appendix. My father,who died in 1989 was certainly a survivor, never spoke of his wartime experiences, and for the benefit of his decendants I am seeking some concrete evidence of his participation.His name was HAROLD JAMES HURST TRIMMING.

If you could point me in the right direction I would be most grateful.

Very many thanks from his son


Thank you for your letter, no I have never found a list of survivors from HMS Curacoa after she was run down by Queen Mary in October 1942. 

Survivors may have at the time been listed in an issue of the London Times, and I have asked an Australian friend of mine who is living in UK, and has access to the Times Archives, if he could search them to see if anything comes up.

But, at these addresses are held the records of RN personnel: 

The records of British RN personnel are held at 3 different locations, depending primarily on the time when a person entered or served in the Navy or an auxiliary service.

1. MoD. Ministry of Defence,
Bourne Avenue,
Middlesex UB3 1RF,

2. Centurion. Naval Pay & Pensions (Accounts),
Centurion Building,
Grange Road,
Hampshire PO13 9XA

In both of the above archives, only written enquiries from next-of-kin are accepted, and a search fee is charged. There is an ongoing process of moving selected records from these locations to:

3. PRO. The Public Record Office,
Surrey TW9 4DU

Tel: +44 (0)181 876 3444

I suggest you might start with No. 2.

Should Martin turn up anything from the Times Archives I will of course get back to you.


Mackenzie Gregory.

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