LCDR Centner (Later CAPT Centner) survived the sinking of ST LO (CVE-63) at Battle of Leyte Gulf Just a note of thanks to you for posting the material on the ST LO (CVE-63), which went down at Leyte Gulf. My father, LCDR Centner (Later CAPT Centner) passed away this Monday at the age of 93. My relatives were quite happy to be able to direct individuals to your excellent website. All you do, to preserve the memories of those who are slipping away from us, is deeply appreciated. Sincerely,
How nice of you to take the time to comment about the piece on ST LO on AHOY. Sorry to learn of the loss of your father, but what a wonderful age at 93, I am 85. My web master Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia and I are always pleased to have feed back, especially if we have managed to touch some ones family. I do the reserach and writing whilst Terry whips that all into shape to appear on AHOY and face the world for any one to find our site and log on. Best wishes from both the States and Australia. Mac. |