
Kurzignale, used on U-boats, and the history of the Enigma cipher machine and an award winning Enigma simulator

Hi Mac,
I found your website, and really like the WW2 articles. You have an enourmous archive there! Since you also have an interest in the German U-boats, you might wanna read these articles about Kurzignale, used on U-boats, and the history of the Enigma cipher machine. I also have an award winning Enigma simulator, freeware of course. Just pop by on my website.
Kurzsignale: http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/en/kurzsignale.htm
History of Enigma: http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/en/enigma.htm
Thanks for the great reading and kind regards,
Dirk Rijmenants

Website: http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants
Weblog: www.rijmenants.blogspot.com


Thank you for your kind words about AHOY, it is a joint effort, my friend and webmaster Terry Kearns in Atlanta, Georgia turns my scribblings and research into the site that is AHOY, and is on the net for any who may chance to find it.

We are always pleased to get feedback, and are delighted to receive any accolades.

Your site with its wealth of information on Enigma is great, and we will add your links to our site.

Best regards from both the US and Australia.


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