
Korean web site and Hamburg Cemetary web address

Dear Mac,
What a great job you and your pal Terry in USA have preformed on the Ahoy-Mac`s Webpages. I don`t know if you have the web address of the Count Felix von Luckner`s grave page in Cemetery in Hamburg but I will add it here as well as the Military Web Page of Count Felix von Luckner in Korea.Have attached some jpegs for your use if required also German web page and if the Google web search is used,a translation service is provided for the languages in broken English.
Friedhof Ohlsburg Cemetery,Hamburg Germany =  http://homepages.compuserve.de/fmatth01/Ohlsdorf/ohlsdorf90.htm  Luckner`s grave photo and story.
Korean Military Web =  http://combat.maru.net/bbs/view.php?id=article&no=31  Count Felix von Luckner`s page and photo`s.
Warm regards,
Noel Hall.

Dear Noel,
Thank you for your kind words about AHOY, it is always great to get some feed back.
We do have a small picture of the Count's grave site in Hamburg at the cemetery where he is buried on the web site, but your photo is a better one.
I was asked some time ago by a guy in Korea if he might use some material from AHOY, and put it into Korean, I am unsure if he has done that here.
Terry and I are continually suprised about the interest shown about AHOY in general, and von Luckner in particular, at this distance he is still a popular figure,  
the likes of whom at sea are unlikely to be repeated.
Best regards,
Mac. Gregory.

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