
KEITH SYKES of Geelong who was a merchant seaman on the hospital ship Centaur

See "Australian Hospital ship Centaur Torpedoed by Japanese Submarine"

Hello, My name is Maree Yates and I am after information for my mother about her father KEITH SYKES of Geelong who was a merchant seaman on the Centaur. I believe he was an electrician and was killed in the engine room when the ship was blasted. My mother was only three when her dad died and as her parents were divorced there was no contact with his family after the accident. How would I contact anyone who may have served with him or would have some info if you can't help me as I seem to surf the net endlessly to no avail. Thanking you in anticipation , Maree Yates


I have just found this notice from a Veteran's Affairs site, I think from 2004.

It looks like what you might be looking for.

Jan Thomas. Tel: 02 9985 9016  E-Mail: jthomas@zip.com.au 

"From 2/3 AHS Centaur Association, seeks survivors, descendents, relatives, and friends of Centaur personnel, or anyone with an interest in Centaur."

I trust this helps your search.

Best wishes,
Mac. Gregory.

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