
John Fasulo lectures about Felix von Luckner

20 March 2004

Dear Mac:

I feel that I know you already after reading your site and your info on Von Luckner.. I have my own story as ot how I came across Vonluckner.. more about that at another time...I am giving a lecture on the count next saturday for the National Maritime Historical Society here in Peekskill NY,.. I dont know if you can post this letter in a timely fashion, But Im looking for people in the states who remember the count being here on a lecture tour in the 1930s... I live in Beacon NY and have a signed copy of his lithograph of the Seeadler signed on Feb 3 1930 here in Beacon... It was obtained by my grandfather who took my mother to hear him speak at the local HS...Any one who has an recollection on the counts trip to America and his lectures can email me at ship1949@aol.com ......

I am also looking to buy VonLucnker memoribilia that has his signature,, thanks for your help.

John Fasulo
8 Exeter Circle
Beacon NY 12508
845 831 0773


Thank you for your message, Terry will certainly post your letter on Ahoy, and it will soon be up there.

My good friend Terry Kearns in Atlanta, Georgia is the one who produces Ahoy. Mac's Web Log for the world to see, from all my research and writing. Without his expertise and hard work, our site would not exist, we hope that we make a good team.

The Count certainly was a character who has engendered interest in his WW1 exploits that today are just as strong as when he was out there in Seeadler hunting down Allied ships for destruction.

In Halle in Germany, there is a move to have a Memorial to his memory built and also to set up a Museum there, to this end Terry has built a von Luckner Society web site, its URL is: http://vonluckner.tk-jk.net you may care to visit it, and perhaps mention it during your lecture, as we are keen to promote both the proposed Memorial and Museum to honour this man.

By coincidence, tomorrow night I am the Guest Speaker at the monthly meeting of the Naval Historical Society of Australia at its Melbourne Chapter's monthly meeting, my subject: The Sea Devil. Count Felix von Luckner and his Raider Seeadler.

Sometimes its a small world indeed.

John, do share your story of how you became interested in the Count when you have the time.

Nice to talk with you, best regards from both Terry and myself.

Mac. Gregory.



Yes, my lecture on the Count was this past Saturday (27 March 2004), But you could mention that Im looking for people to interview that met the count here in the states in the 30s or at the end of WW2 in Halle.Im talking with NMHS baout doing an article for the magazine, Sea History that they publish.

There were about 30 people at the lecture. I spoke on the Count and his WW1 exploits for about an hour.

You can give my email out on the web site in regard to the info and people that Im looking to hear from.


John Fasulo

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