
Jim Griffiths, crew member of the Sqdn 204

From: Jim Griffiths, (Yank) 15th December, 2003. rememberingsage@aol.com.uk

Narrative; Wife seeking ex-204 Squadron wingers of mine came across your magnum opus whist surfing the web, concerning rescue of KG-K.

If you are interested, I was a crew member of the Sqdn. and might be able to add a little something to your article: e.g. Louis Gay was a wireless op mechanic aboard and did an excellent job of maintaining contact with another Sunderland going to their rescue. There was an emergency hand-driven generator which was used after ditching cos no engine  power. Etc Etc. Antenna was a long wire attached to a box kite as per each aircraft for such. etc.

Interested ?? must close.


I am delighted to hear from you.

Please tell me whatever you can about the crew of KG-K, we will be pleased to add your information to AHOY, of course acknowledging you as the source.

With the season's greetings to and your family, I assume you live in UK.


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