I'm the granddaughter Cooper Pamela, living in Belgium of James Cooper from Braintree (erroneously enlisted Leigh on Sea) in Camberwell - February 1915 The birth certificate of his youngest son Edgar Charles Cooper says : "Private Cooper, 3rd Essex Regiment (Carpenter)
On his death certificate is erreoneously mentioned that he orginated from Leigh-on-Sea.
Must be Braintree !
James wife received a letter as follows :
" It is my duty to inform you that no further news having been received relative to (Nr) 17902 (Rank) Pte (Name) James Cooper (Regiment) 1st Essex who has been missing since 6 - 8 - 15, the army council have been regretfully constrained to conclude that he is dead, and that his death took place on the 6th August 1915
I am to express to you the sympathy of the Army Council with you in your loss".
In Memory of
Private J COOPER
17902, 1st Bn., Essex Regiment
who died
on 06 August 1915
Remembered with honour
Commemorated in perpetuity by
the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The Essex Regiment
Battalions of the Regular Army
1st Battalion
August 1914 : in Mauritius. Returned to England in December 1914.
18 January 1915 : moved to Banbury and attached to 88th Brigade in 29th Division.
21 March 1915 : sailed from Avinmouth for Gallipoli, going via Egypt and Mudros. Landed at Cape Helles 25 April 1915.