
Information about the British (or Dutch?) tugboat Bandit. It was involved in rescuing the SS Eros which was torpedoed by U-48 on June 7, 1940

I just encountered your website about the Second World War. An impressive amount of work! I noticed the page about wartime leaders on  stamps, and the 1942 Allied Nations First Day Cover. I have the same cover in my collection, but it means more to me probably than to you, because it was issued on the day I was born. See http://www.ingraham.ca/bob/alliednations.html.

I am writing to ask for advice on finding information about the British (or Dutch?) tugboat Bandit. It was involved in rescuing the SS Eros, which was torpedoed by U-48 on June 7, 1940, off the north coast of Ireland. The Bandit had been towing the HMCS Carinthia, which had been torpedoed near the Aran Islands; the Carinthia sank, and the Bandit was despatched to help the Eros, which it managed to beach on Tory Island.

Do you have any suggestions for research on this vessel?

Thanks very much,

Bob Ingraham

The Second  World War represents a drama unparalleled in history. It altered lives and changed the course of future events in ways that are revealed in today's headlines. I was born in the middle of the war years, and in middle age came to recognize that philately opens a window on that conflict. My web page, "World at War," at http://www.ingraham.ca/bob/warpage.html illuminates some interesting, philatelically inspired war stories.

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