
U. S. S. DENVER ASSOCIATION article reprint of "Indianapolis"

Tuesday 15 April, 2003:  Time:  1210 Hours CDST
Good Morning Mac:
I reprinted your fine article from your web site on the INDIANAPOLIS.
I note at the end of the article that it is copyrighted.
I would like to use part of it in my 6-15-2003 U. S. S. DENVER Association DOTS & DASHES and seek permission to do so?
The circulation of the DOTS & DASHES is shrinking due to many deaths of our WWII Sailors who are nearing the end of their life span.
We did open our membership to sailors who have served honorably on U. S. S. DENVER (LPD-9), not a cruiser as the United States Navy has no more cruisers and so far have picked up 157 names who we also mail to.  The DENVER LPD-9 is on station in the Persian Gulf as I write this message, supporting the Iraqui War.
I await your answer.
Best wishes,
John R. Bloomer Sr.
Secretary-Treasurer - News letter Editor
4902 Longview Ave., Godfrey, Il 62035-1643 USA.

Hello John,

Thank you for your kind words about my Indianapolis piece, by all means please use what you wish from it in your Dots and Dashes, all I ask is an acknowlegement formy Ahoy Mac's Web Log.

If there is anything else you may want to use from time to time that is fine.

I always felt that Captain McVay was crucified by Admiral King, how could any US Admiral use an enemy Summarine Commander to appear for the prosecution against one of his cruiser Captains? unparalleled in Naval history world wide!!

We have the same problem with diminishing numbers in all of our WW2 ship Associations,it is sad to see them slowly fade away.

Great to hear from you, best regards,


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