Identifying the wreck of HMS E-47 Dear Mac Gregory, Whilst scanning the Internet with Google on subjects of my interest, I came across your site Ahoy, Mac's Web Log. To be precise, the letters on the following page; http://ahoy.tk-jk.net/Letters/ColinFrancisCreswell1894-.html This page concerns one of the crew members of submarine E-47. It is mentioned on this page that the wreck was found, but does not report further details. I want to let you know that I was the person that managed to identify the wreck of E-47. Attached you will find the letter I wrote to the Naval Historical Branch of the Royal Navy, which also tells how.
To my surprise I did not receive an answer, nor a confirmation of receipt, to my letter. I also noticed that the official website e.g. the one from the Submarine Museum do not report the finding and identification of the wreck. I think the disregard of my report has something to do with new legislation in the UK concerning diving on wrecks which are seen as war graves, which of course they are. For more information on this, have a look at ; http://www.bristolchanneldivers.org/wreckrespect.html However, new laws on this matter are only active in British waters, so Dutch divers, diving in Dutch waters do not break any law when they dive on the wreck of a Royal Navy vessels lying in Dutch waters. A consequence of the position of the Royal Navy is that people interested in this matter do not get informed. Through other channels I had contact with at least one relative of one of the crew members of E-47, and through your website it becomes clear that more people are interested in the fate of this submarine. Maybe you can put this letter on your site, and I would be very happy to inform others interested in the wreck of E-47. Knowing E-47 is lying close to the island I live on, I now gather information on this submarine and its crew members. On your site details are given on the Lieutenant Colin Francis Creswell RN. This was very welcome for my file I have on E-47. I would like to obtain a photo of Lt. Creswell, maybe you, or the readers of your weblog can be of assistance in obtaining this. A photo, and the details of Colin Francis Creswell, will be used in a presentation in our local historical museum in which we have a section about shipwrecks, strandings and ship disasters on, and close to our coast. Kind regards, Dirk Bruin
Thank you for your fascinating message, we will add those details to Ahoy. I am sorry but I cannot find a photo of Colin Creswell anywhere, but am still trying some Australian contacts. I will be in touch again should I succeed. Best wishes and regards. Mac. Gregory.
Thank you for your reply. I would appreciate your assistance in trying to find a photo of Colin Creswell, maybe the readers of your weblog might also be of help. I have attached two photo's of the deckgun of E-47, maybe you can add these to my contribution to Ahoy. Please be so kind to correct some spelling mistakes in my first email before you add them to your site. I did noticed them after I transmitted my message, and find them a bit bothering. Kind regards and best wishes to you, yours,
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