Identifying missing WW2 Japanese soldiers in the Solomon Islands Hello, Is there a site or place to find any names of WW2 Japanese soldiers missing or whose bodies were never found during the war in the Soloman Islands? Thank you, Jay Conrad
I am not aware of any site with the information you seek on it. The Japanese certainly lost thousands at Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, I will send in a separate message, a page giving a brief overall thumbnail of the Guadalcanal campaign, and it mentions 25,000 Japanese dead there. Sorry I could not be specific for you. Mackenzie Gregory. Appendix A: Casualties of American and Enemy Forces
These (very grim) photographs will be indicative of the difficulty of keeping records of those who died in the Guadalcanal fighting. http://www.daveswarbirds.com/guadalcanal/LWphotos_6.htm Mac. |