
IJN Exchange Officers to German U-Boats?

May 04, 2009

Sir -  I am a retired US Navy officer (CAPT) writing a fictional novel about the north Atlantic fight in 1943.

I have been unable to determine whether the German and Japanese submarine services had Exchange Officers posted to reciprocal boats. It is of interest to me because I have placed an IJN lieutenant aboard a key U-boat in my tale.

Have you any info on this possibility? I am grateful in advance for any 'rudder' you maybe able to provide.

Thanks very much, and WELL DONE on you and your website!  Good onya, mate!

Steve Myers in Bedford, Pennsylvania USA

Hello Steve,

Firstly, thank you for your kind words about AHOY, a joint affair with my web master Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia.

I have never seen any documentary evidence about Japanese asubmariners serving in U -Boats, but a number of their submarines attempted to take strategic war materials in submarines to Europe, I-30, I-8 ( 1943 ), I-34 ( 1943 ), I 29 ( 1943 ), and I-52.

Only I-8 made it to France and then back to Japan.

All the others were sunk en route.

It would indeed be reasonable for your IJN Lieutenant to be posted to U-Boat command as an  assistant to the Japanese Naval Attache, and to give him a short experience aboard a German U-Boat so he was aware of their operations at sea.

I suggest you have him serving in such a way, that makes it all kosher.

Good luck, please tell me when you are published.

Best wishes,

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