
Hubert Edward Mitchell, did he server in H.M.A.S Canberra

Good evening

I am trying to find a list of who served on the H.M.A.S Canberra, in particular Hubert Edward Mitchell. I am interested to find out if there are any photo's, note's or letter's detailing his days spent at sea.

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you


A quick initial response to your mail, I have a complete crew list for Canberra, at the time she was sunk, if Hubert was serving in her then, I will mail you his entry after I go throught the list tomorrow.

Do you have  a copy of his War Service Certificate from the Government Roll of all who served in WW2 ? ( I assume he served then ) If not, I will access that site and send you a copy of it.

I do not have access to photos, notes, letters etc, but will have a look at the Australian War Memorial site, also tomorrow.

Will write again soon.

Best regards,
Mackennzie Gregory.


With the entry: Ordinary Seaman Hubert Mitchell ( Official Number, I have added that ) 24743.

That O/N means he joined the permament Navy, and was not just an hostilities only entry.

Will get his Certificate of Service to send to you now.

Best wishes,


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