History of M/V ANTINOÜS, was it the raider WOLF? Dear Sir, I would like to recall on my blog "La Licorne" ( which treats of the Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes - I was a Radio Officer for this company - ) the history of M/V ANTINOÜS which, before sailing on behalf of Messageries Maritimes on the line from France to Sydney via Tahiti and New-Caledonia between 1923 and 1932, was the raider WOLF. Would you authorize me to use 3 or 4 photographs of your site showing this ship? Mention would be made, of course, of the origin of the photographs. Yours Sincerely http://debarcaderes.over-blog.com/
Thank you for your messages. Yes, I have found the pictures at URL you mention. And you are right : Antinoüs started its 1st trip as french ship on april 1924 until 1929 and was broken in Italy (Genoa) in may 1931. Best regards, back to letters index |