
Halsey's Poor Judgement and Inflated Ego

Congratulations on such a wonderful Web site, a work of love I can see.

As I read about Leyte and other situations I am always saddened and frustrated that so many men lost their lives needlessly because of one man. A man whose character is in sharp contrast to that of C. "Ziggy" Sprague. Instead we have a powerful Admiral looking for an infantile dream. Showing his lack of character by throwing his hat down, screaming at subordinates, cursing his misfortune at losing his opportunity rather than imaging the responsibility for the debacle he created by taking "the bait". His philosophy of one has to be a hard drinker to really call himself a leader of men fits in with his barroom bravado.

Your site is somewhat of a balm to the above feelings I have as you clearly give credit where credit is due, the herorics of Taffy 3 and the likes of Sprague and Evans and the others.

I live in the North of Michigan and am from a town in Marquette, MI. In this town resides the Skipper of the Darter, McClintock. Their is a static sub memorial to all those submariners who lost their lives in the Wars. Ironically I live in the Winter in Mobile Alabama where the Dace resides on land display next to the Battleship USS Alabama which is in the water.

I am a big fan of the Patrick O'Brian series and articles and books about the 17th, 18th, and 19th century Royal Navy.

Again, congratulations on an obviously monumental effort to put together such an excellent web site.
Sincerely, Kenneth N. Morin

Thank you for your kind words, it is a truly joint effort from my web master and friend Terry Kearns, in Atlanta, Georgia. He takes my research and text to produce our site that is out there for any who chance upon it.
I have always had a great love of Naval History, and being personally involved at Savo, and for years in the Pacific war, I guess that was the catalyst to write about it all, and then when Terry came on board it took the shape it now shows to the world.

I always felt that Bull Halsey, what an apt name, as he bumbled about like a "Bull in a China Shop" was vastly overrated as an Admiral, he both missed his chance to clobber the Japanese Fleet, but much worse put in Harm's Way, so many of those for whom he was responsible.

He ought to have faced a Court Martial.

Like another of my bete noir's, Vice Admiral Fletcher, who left the Guadalcanal landings in the lurch without air cover, and the Marines ashore in dire straits without all their food and equipment, if I had been Admiral King, he too, would have faced a Court Martial. At least, he did not command at sea again in WW2.

I have rambled on, my apologies Kenneth. You live in two areas that carry a lot of interesting Naval History.
Again, thank you for taking the time and trouble to comment, both Terry and myself appreciate your action.
Best regards from both the US and Australia.
Mackenzie Gregory.

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