
HMS Victory Medalets impression of King George V

January 23, 2010
  Subject: HMS Victory Medalets.

Hi, been trying to research a commemorative medal given to me by my dad. Came across your web site, which was most informative, but the medal i have has a impression of King George V instead of the Victory and has 1911 stamped on it. The other side is as the Victory one.

Could you shed any light on this, it would be much appreciated.

Kim & Caroline.

Ps we have wasted our afternoon on this and it is
driving us insane:)


Is your commemorative medal or a medalet, if the latter is it 17mm in diameter?

1911 was the year of the coronation of George V, I can only suggest that the British and Foreign Sailors Society were cashing in on this major event by issuing their medalet and offering it for sale to raise funds for their cause,

Edward V11 was always interested in their work, and no doubt they wanted the newly crowned George V to continue to be involved.

Can you please send me a photo of both sides of your piece? and we will put it up on AHOY.

Best regards,

January 26, 2010


Thanks for your reply. I think you are right, that it was another fund raising idea. I think it may have been a short one, because with hrs of internet hunting, I can not find another one like it. Thanks for your help and I would so appricate it if you would let me know if come across any more information. Photo's attached as requested.


Thank you.

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