HMS President 111 was not a ship, but a shore base near London HI MAC, ITS THE PEST AGAIN. IVE LOOKED THROUGH ALL YOUR SHIP PICTURES BUT DONT SEE ANY OF THE PRESIDENT111, DID SHE HAVE ANOTHER NAME. A BIT OF USELESS INFORMATION, DID I SAY MY FATHER WAS IN MERCHANT NAVY BUT CAME OUT BEFORE THE WAR AND BEFORE I WAS BORN. SHEILA Sheila, HMS President 111 was not a ship, but a shore base near London, President III was the accounting base for Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships in WW2, or DAMS, which is what they were called in WW1. It was where the pay records etc were maintained for those sailors who were serving as gunners aboard Merchant Ships. Thats why you cannot find a photo of a ship. Regards, |