
HMS Pink certainly played her part in the defence of Convoy ONS 5

February 15, 2013

Hi Mac

I don’t know if I should be even contacting you, but my father was the 2nd Lieutenant of H.M.S. Pink during this period. He, as many were, was reluctant to talk about his experiences during the 11 World War. All I really know is that he was sunk 3 times. I have the Book by Ronald Seth and each mention of Pink he has highlighted.

My Father-in-Law, who was Australian, never mentioned his war experiences either.

Thank you Rod Hussey


Thank you for your mail, HMS Pink certainly played her part in the defence of Convoy ONS 5, one of the most intense battles with the U-Boats during the Battle of the Atlantic.

It really is a great pity that both your Father and Father in law were so reticent about their wartime service.

If those who served do not leave us an account of their wartime experiences their stories are lost forever.

Best regards,

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