
HMS Lord Austin

June 23, 2010

Subject: Lord Austin (see HMS Lord Austin sunk by a mine in Seine Bay, Normandy on the 24th. of June in 1944)

I was just idly going from ship to ship on the web, got to the Ahoy site and found references to the Lord
Austin. If anybody is interested in the story of the ship at Normandy and in the weeks before I can help them as I served on the ship from February 1944 up to the 24th June. I don't know how to work the Ahoy site though!

Arnold Marks


Thank you for your mail. If you send me the story of Lord Austin at Normandy, we will add it to AHOY, and anyone visiting may read your account To visit my site, put ahoy.tk-jk.net into Google and you should then be able to access it and read whatever takes your fancy.

Kind regards,

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