
HMS Lively and her CO, Lieutenant-Commander William Hussey

March 14, 2011

Dear Mac,

I'm writing to you regarding the ww2 ear HMS Lively and her CO, Lieutenant-Commander William Hussey DSO DSC.

I notice that an article about HMS Lively by John Thompson linked on your website. I have tried to email Mr. Thompson at the email address listed on his article without success - the email has bounced back to me as undeliverable or not a valid email address. I was wondering if you might have Mr. Thompson's email address, or if you would be willing to pass a message on on my behalf. I am particulary interested in trying to track down a picture of Lt-Cdr Hussey to illustrate a chapter in my new book, 'Portsmouth's Second World War

My compliments on your site, I have found it very useful and interesting.

Kind Regards
James Daly


Thank you for your kind words about AHOY.

I will try to send your message on to John, but my address may not still be valid.


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