
HMS Ladybird

April 29, 2009


I recently had to move my mother-in-law's house and among the contents found a stack of old photographs from WW11. Two were of HMS Ladybird, one showing a vast column of smoke coming from her another showing her laying very low in the water. These two photos are in a group mainly of Tobruk, some show German troops, Italian troop, British and some amazing photos taken from an aircraft over Tobruk harbour. I found your e-mail address when searching for HMS Ladybird. Do you have any one who was on Ladybird that may be interested in these photos?

Also I have some of Bismark as she slips away into the sea after being hit.

Very best regards,
Bill Morris


Thanks for writing, perhaps you might mail me the photos of Ladybird, and the Bismarck, and we will add them to AHOY, so they are available to a wider audience.

Best wishes, 

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