
HMS Galatea crew details about 1867?

January 26, 2010

Hi Mac

Trying to find list of crew for hma Galatea 1867'ish. Hope you can help

Best Wishes


There are any number of articles about HMS Galatea and the Duke in command, but I cannot turn up any crew
details about 1867, or any other period for that matter.

eg See my article at URL:
Duke of Edinburgh in command of HMS Galatea, visits Australia for the first Royal Tour, in 1867

HMS Galatea arrives off Sydney Heads
HMS Galatea arrives off Sydney Heads




January 26, 2010

Thanks very much Mac, it's a start.

The reason I am trying to find out is:-  I acquired a walking stick and on a metal plate on the stick the inscription is:-

HMS GALATEA, H B TRISTRAM (who I think was a crew member) from J M MILNER (who I think was the reverend on the ship) and HOROWIKI WAIKA?

I was trying to find out a little about it-curiosity killed the cat?

Best Wishes


I can confirm that the Chaplain of HMS Galatea was the Reverend John Milner.

H B Tristram held a Doctorate of Law and was an author, he may well have been onboard Galatea as a guest and observer of the local scene as the ship sailed around the world.

Horo wini wakai sounds a bit like Maori or polynesian.


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