
HMS Euryalus (WW1 Cruiser)

September 25, 2009

Dear Mac

Hope you don't mind me writing. I have a photopostcard of some of the crew of HMS Euryalus (it took a long time to decipher the name from the original photo, the cap which the chap on the far right is wearing) This picture comes from a batch of photos I have found at a bungalow in Crawley, West Sussex UK - some taken in the 1920s and some in the 30s. They included a couple taken off the coast at Smyrna. If so, then the pics of the crew mates should be  from the WW1 cruiser. An internet search brought me to your? comment :

"My HMS Euryalus was a WW1 cruiser sunk by a German U-boat, your HMS Euryalus was a Dido class cruiser commissioned in 1941." http://ahoy.tk-jk.net/Letters/HMSEuryalusinthePersianGu.html

In case you are interested the HMS Euryalus crew pic, can be viewed at : http://homepage.ntlworld.com/taostream/Euryalus%20crewmates.html

The other photos might be of interest and can be accessed via: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/taostream/start.html

I'd be delighted to hear from you if you've any comments or information concerning the photos, I don't know any of the crew featured in the photo and it would be great to put some names to faces - but that might be a long shot!?

All the best
Larry Taylor


Thank you for your post card etc, I am afraid I can shed no light about any crew names.

We are always pleased to have detail about older ships of the Royal Navy before it diaappears into limbo 
and is lost for all time.

Best wishes. 

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