
HMS Camperdown's collision with HMS Victoria

September 17, 2009 


Wonder if you can help me please? I'm trying to make contact with a guy called Ian Burr, who I note supplied
the attached photo of HMS Camperdown listing after her collision with HMS

HMS Camperdown after colliding with HMS Victoria

HMS Camperdown after colliding with HMS Victoria
which sank with a great loss of life on the 22nd. of June 1893.
Photograph by Ian Burr

I appreciate you may not be in a position to give me Ian's contact details, but if you have them, perhaps you
could pass my email address to him to see if he'd care to contact me.

I'm trying to obtain a few photos of HMS Victoria that appear elsewhere on the web, but I don't wish to use them without his permission. They're for use in a forthcoming Powerpoint presentation which I'll be giving to one or two military associations here in the UK

Many thanks and kind regards

Stu Usher

Hello Stu,

Here is a photo of HMS Camperdown after her collision with HMS Victoria.

It is from Wikipedia so is in the public domain.

I regret that I do not still have Ian's email address, there are 800 in my address book and from time to time
they are culled.

I would judge that any photos around of the collision are now out of any copyright.

Use what you need and attribute any of Ian's to him is my suggestion.

Good luck with your presentations.

Best regards.

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