
HMS Boadicea

(see this letter "Ian Hawkins' book about the destroyers during the Second World War")

Dear Sir,

My twin sister and I have recently started tracing our family tree and have hit a small snag and were wondering whether you could be of any assistance.

We need to find the crew list for the HMS Boadicea H65 to eliminate a few names from our enquiries. The names we have are Mears, Tolley and Coopey and we need to track these down.

We would be very grateful if you would assist us or indeed forward our email
to someone who can.

Yours in anticipation,
Jenny Gill & Julia Baker (Yorkshire UK)

Jenny and Julia,

I have posted a message on Servicepals.com in UK asking if anyone can help. Specifically for the names you mention.

No doubt you have a photo of H65, but I will E-Mail one from this site.

I hope more anon.


Mackenzie Gregory.

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